Inner West

Councillor Election

Inner West Balmain - Baludarri (Leather Jacket) Ward - Distribution of Preferences

Last Updated On: 30/09/2024 14:49
Candidates to be Elected: 3
Formal Papers: 22,154
Quota: 5,539
BROOKS Tracey - 34 Vote(s) Transferred, 45 Ballot Paper(s) Distributed
Brought Forward This Count Progressive Total
Candidates in Ballot Order Elected at Count Distributed at Count Ballot Papers Votes Ballot Papers Votes Ballot Papers Votes
TASTAN Ismet 1 3 0 5,539 0 0 0 5,539
BOOTH Shelley 5,514 366 4 4 5,518 370
DAVIS Michael 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
BYRNE Darcy 1 2 0 5,539 0 0 0 5,539
FERGUSSON Kerrie 8,801 3,735 1 1 8,802 3,736
FRANKHAM Brian 78 49 0 0 78 49
BRACCI Christian 3,156 3,099 0 0 3,156 3,099
NAVARRA Joanne 47 39 3 2 50 41
LEVY Elizabeth 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
STAMOLIS John 3,909 3,448 17 15 3,926 3,463
BROOKS Tracey 8 45 34 (45) (34) 0 0
HACKING Kathleen 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
BASSIL Dorothy 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
SULTANA Taneal 343 276 0 0 343 276
Subtotal 21,893 22,124 21,873 22,112
Exhausted 261 20 281
Votes Lost* 30 12 42
Total 22,154 22,154 22,154 22,154
* Votes Lost includes votes lost by fraction and votes lost when the aggregated value of exhausted votes is greater than the quota.
No candidates elected this count.
There are no surplus votes available for transfer.
Next Count
009 NAVARRA Joanne to be excluded. 41 vote(s) to be transferred, 50 ballot paper(s) to be distributed.