Murray River

Councillor Election

Murray River Greater Murray Ward - Distribution of Preferences

Last Updated On: 30/09/2024 16:03
Candidates to be Elected: 3
Formal Papers: 2,191
Quota: 548
WEYRICH Thomas - 284 Vote(s) Transferred, 406 Ballot Paper(s) Distributed
Brought Forward This Count Progressive Total
Candidates in Ballot Order Elected at Count Distributed at Count Ballot Papers Votes Ballot Papers Votes Ballot Papers Votes
BERGER Norman 676 348 117 94 793 442
ALLAN Joy Lorraine 5 846 411 104 77 950 488
BERRYMAN Kylie 1 2 0 548 0 0 0 548
WISE Geoffrey 1 3 0 548 0 0 0 548
WEYRICH Thomas 5 406 284 (406) (284) 0 0
NICHOLAS Kronrod 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
Subtotal 1,928 2,139 1,743 2,026
Exhausted 263 185 448
Votes Lost* 52 113 165
Total 2,191 2,191 2,191 2,191
* Votes Lost includes votes lost by fraction and votes lost when the aggregated value of exhausted votes is greater than the quota.

Candidates Elected at this Count

Candidates Total Votes
ALLAN Joy Lorraine * 488
* There is 1 position to be filled and candidate ALLAN Joy Lorraine has a progressive total which is greater than the total votes of all the other candidates remaining in the count with a smaller progressive total and any un-transferred surpluses. Therefore this candidate has now been elected.
There are no surplus votes available for transfer.
3 Candidates have now been elected.
End of Election Count Process.