Murray River

Councillor Election

Murray River Moama Ward - Votes Received By Candidate

Last Updated On: 30/09/2024 16:17
Candidates to be Elected: 3
Quota: 551
CAMPBELL Gen - ELECTED in Count 5 without reaching quota
* Ballot papers in a parcel have the same transfer value
This Count Progressive Total
Count Parcel * From Candidate Type of Transfer Transfer Value Ballot Papers Votes Ballot Papers Votes Disregarded Fractions
001 1 First Preference 1.000000 460 460.000000 460 460 0.000000
002 2.1 LUDEMAN Michael John Exclusion 1.000000 15 15.000000 475 475 0.000000
003 3.1 CRAWLEY Francis Exclusion 1.000000 12 12.000000 487 487 0.000000
004 4.1 HARVIE John Surplus 0.018237 45 0.820669 532 487 0.820669
004 4.2.1 HARVIE John Surplus 0.018237 2 0.036474 534 487 0.857143
004 4.3.1 HARVIE John Surplus 0.018237 3 0.054711 537 487 0.911854
005 5.1 BLOW Graeme Exclusion 1.000000 34 34.000000 571 521 0.911854
005 5.2.1 BLOW Graeme Exclusion 1.000000 2 2.000000 573 523 0.911854
005 5.3.1 BLOW Graeme Exclusion 1.000000 4 4.000000 577 527 0.911854
005 5.4.1 BLOW Graeme Exclusion 0.018237 5 0.091185 582 527 1.003040
005 BLOW Graeme Exclusion 0.018237 1 0.018237 583 527 1.021277
005 BLOW Graeme Exclusion 0.018237 2 0.036474 585 527 1.057751