Armidale Regional

Councillor Election

Armidale Regional - Votes Received By Candidate

Last Updated On: 30/09/2024 10:51
Candidates to be Elected: 9
Quota: 1,560
IMAD Eli - ELECTED in Count 35
* Ballot papers in a parcel have the same transfer value
This Count Progressive Total
Count Parcel * From Candidate Type of Transfer Transfer Value Ballot Papers Votes Ballot Papers Votes Disregarded Fractions
001 1 First Preference 1.000000 1,322 1,322.000000 1,322 1,322 0.000000
002 2.1 COUPLAND Sam Surplus 0.760940 13 9.892216 1,335 1,331 0.892216
003 3.1 McMICHAEL Susan Surplus 0.102135 4 0.408540 1,339 1,331 1.300756
004 4.2.1 REDWOOD Todd Surplus 0.507213 6 3.043278 1,345 1,334 1.344033
005 5.2.1 GADDES Paul Surplus 0.370067 1 0.370067 1,346 1,334 1.714100
005 GADDES Paul Surplus 0.246672 2 0.493344 1,348 1,334 2.207444
006 6.1 ENDRES Kay Surplus 0.100942 1 0.100942 1,349 1,334 2.308386
006 ENDRES Kay Surplus 0.051199 1 0.051199 1,350 1,334 2.359585
011 11.1 WARD Lisa Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,351 1,335 2.359585
015 15.1 MORAN Kerry Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,352 1,336 2.359585
016 16.1 NEWBERRY Josephine Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,353 1,337 2.359585
018 18.1 FLINT Brian Exclusion 1.000000 2 2.000000 1,355 1,339 2.359585
019 19.1 SCHULTZ Pat Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,356 1,340 2.359585
019 19.11.1 SCHULTZ Pat Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,357 1,341 2.359585
020 20.1 HEAGNEY Peter Exclusion 1.000000 3 3.000000 1,360 1,344 2.359585
020 20.6.1 HEAGNEY Peter Exclusion 0.100942 2 0.201884 1,362 1,344 2.561469
020 20.15.1 HEAGNEY Peter Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,363 1,345 2.561469
021 21.1 GAMAGE Siri Exclusion 1.000000 2 2.000000 1,365 1,347 2.561469
022 22.1 O'BRIEN Debra Exclusion 1.000000 2 2.000000 1,367 1,349 2.561469
022 22.13.1 O'BRIEN Debra Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,368 1,350 2.561469
024 24.1 LEDGER Natasha Exclusion 1.000000 3 3.000000 1,371 1,353 2.561469
025 25.1 JACKSON Robert Exclusion 1.000000 17 17.000000 1,388 1,370 2.561469
025 25.6.1 JACKSON Robert Exclusion 0.100942 1 0.100942 1,389 1,370 2.662411
026 26.1 O'HARA Elizabeth Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,390 1,371 2.662411
026 26.6.1 O'HARA Elizabeth Exclusion 0.100942 1 0.100942 1,391 1,371 2.763353
026 O'HARA Elizabeth Exclusion 0.102135 1 0.102135 1,392 1,371 2.865488
027 27.1 RICHARDSON Rob Exclusion 1.000000 4 4.000000 1,396 1,375 2.865488
027 27.3.1 RICHARDSON Rob Exclusion 0.102135 1 0.102135 1,397 1,375 2.967623
027 RICHARDSON Rob Exclusion 0.246672 1 0.246672 1,398 1,375 3.214296
027 27.6.1 RICHARDSON Rob Exclusion 0.100942 1 0.100942 1,399 1,375 3.315238
027 27.21.1 RICHARDSON Rob Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,400 1,376 3.315238
027 27.24.1 RICHARDSON Rob Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,401 1,377 3.315238
028 28.1 LENEHAN Rob Exclusion 1.000000 52 52.000000 1,453 1,429 3.315238
028 28.20.1 LENEHAN Rob Exclusion 1.000000 8 8.000000 1,461 1,437 3.315238
028 LENEHAN Rob Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,462 1,438 3.315238
028 28.25.1 LENEHAN Rob Exclusion 1.000000 21 21.000000 1,483 1,459 3.315238
028 LENEHAN Rob Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,484 1,460 3.315238
028 LENEHAN Rob Exclusion 1.000000 6 6.000000 1,490 1,466 3.315238
028 LENEHAN Rob Exclusion 1.000000 2 2.000000 1,492 1,468 3.315238
028 LENEHAN Rob Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,493 1,469 3.315238
028 LENEHAN Rob Exclusion 0.760940 1 0.760940 1,494 1,469 4.076177
029 29.1 NARAYANAMURTHY Madank Exclusion 1.000000 10 10.000000 1,504 1,479 4.076177
029 29.7.1 NARAYANAMURTHY Madank Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,505 1,480 4.076177
029 29.21.1 NARAYANAMURTHY Madank Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,506 1,481 4.076177
029 NARAYANAMURTHY Madank Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,507 1,482 4.076177
029 NARAYANAMURTHY Madank Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,508 1,483 4.076177
030 30.1 GALLETLY Jon Exclusion 1.000000 4 4.000000 1,512 1,487 4.076177
030 30.2.1 GALLETLY Jon Exclusion 0.760940 2 1.521879 1,514 1,488 4.598057
030 GALLETLY Jon Exclusion 0.507213 1 0.507213 1,515 1,488 5.105270
030 30.6.1 GALLETLY Jon Exclusion 0.100942 1 0.100942 1,516 1,488 5.206212
030 GALLETLY Jon Exclusion 0.024900 1 0.024900 1,517 1,488 5.231111
030 GALLETLY Jon Exclusion 0.100942 1 0.100942 1,518 1,488 5.332053
030 30.28.1 GALLETLY Jon Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,519 1,489 5.332053
030 30.29.1 GALLETLY Jon Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,520 1,490 5.332053
031 31.1 FITTLER Joshua Exclusion 1.000000 16 16.000000 1,536 1,506 5.332053
031 31.2.1 FITTLER Joshua Exclusion 0.760940 1 0.760940 1,537 1,506 6.092993
031 FITTLER Joshua Exclusion 0.246672 2 0.493344 1,539 1,506 6.586337
031 31.6.1 FITTLER Joshua Exclusion 0.100942 1 0.100942 1,540 1,506 6.687279
032 32.1 CHAPMAN Caroline Exclusion 1.000000 10 10.000000 1,550 1,516 6.687279
032 32.3.1 CHAPMAN Caroline Exclusion 0.102135 64 6.536642 1,614 1,522 7.223921
032 CHAPMAN Caroline Exclusion 0.076811 1 0.076811 1,615 1,522 7.300732
032 32.24.1 CHAPMAN Caroline Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,616 1,523 7.300732
032 CHAPMAN Caroline Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,617 1,524 7.300732
033 33.1 SCHMUDE Jane Exclusion 1.000000 3 3.000000 1,620 1,527 7.300732
033 33.2.1 SCHMUDE Jane Exclusion 0.760940 1 0.760940 1,621 1,527 8.061671
033 33.5.1 SCHMUDE Jane Exclusion 0.486329 1 0.486329 1,622 1,527 8.548000
033 SCHMUDE Jane Exclusion 0.370067 1 0.370067 1,623 1,527 8.918066
033 SCHMUDE Jane Exclusion 0.100942 1 0.100942 1,624 1,527 9.019008
033 33.23.1 SCHMUDE Jane Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,625 1,528 9.019008
033 33.27.1 SCHMUDE Jane Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,626 1,529 9.019008
033 33.29.1 SCHMUDE Jane Exclusion 1.000000 3 3.000000 1,629 1,532 9.019008
033 33.30.1 SCHMUDE Jane Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,630 1,533 9.019008
034 34.1 ROBINSON Dorothy Surplus 0.008269 87 0.719372 1,717 1,533 9.738381
034 34.2.1 ROBINSON Dorothy Surplus 0.006292 1 0.006292 1,718 1,533 9.744673
034 34.3.1 ROBINSON Dorothy Surplus 0.000845 5 0.004223 1,723 1,533 9.748895
034 34.17.1 ROBINSON Dorothy Surplus 0.008269 1 0.008269 1,724 1,533 9.757164
034 34.26.1 ROBINSON Dorothy Surplus 0.008269 2 0.016537 1,726 1,533 9.773701
034 ROBINSON Dorothy Surplus 0.008269 1 0.008269 1,727 1,533 9.781970
034 34.29.1 ROBINSON Dorothy Surplus 0.008269 3 0.024806 1,730 1,533 9.806776
034 ROBINSON Dorothy Surplus 0.008269 1 0.008269 1,731 1,533 9.815044
034 ROBINSON Dorothy Surplus 0.000845 1 0.000845 1,732 1,533 9.815889
034 34.32.1 ROBINSON Dorothy Surplus 0.008269 1 0.008269 1,733 1,533 9.824158
034 ROBINSON Dorothy Surplus 0.000845 66 0.055738 1,799 1,533 9.879896
035 35.1 O'CONNOR Margaret Exclusion 1.000000 116 116.000000 1,915 1,649 9.879896
035 35.2.1 O'CONNOR Margaret Exclusion 0.760940 1 0.760940 1,916 1,649 10.640835
035 35.24.1 O'CONNOR Margaret Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,917 1,650 10.640835
035 35.28.1 O'CONNOR Margaret Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,918 1,651 10.640835
035 35.31.1 O'CONNOR Margaret Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 1,919 1,652 10.640835
035 O'CONNOR Margaret Exclusion 0.102135 1 0.102135 1,920 1,652 10.742970
035 35.34.1 O'CONNOR Margaret Exclusion 0.008269 11 0.090955 1,931 1,652 10.833926
035 O'CONNOR Margaret Exclusion 0.008269 1 0.008269 1,932 1,652 10.842194
035 O'CONNOR Margaret Exclusion 0.008269 1 0.008269 1,933 1,652 10.850463
035 O'CONNOR Margaret Exclusion 0.000845 3 0.002534 1,936 1,652 10.852996