City of Shoalhaven

Mayoral Election

Total Number of Electors: 85,835 residential and non-residential electors were enrolled in this area on 05 Aug 2024. Electors may continue to enrol up to and including Election Day.
Counting System: Optional Preferential.
Elected Position: There is 1 Mayor to be elected from 3 candidates.

Summary of First Preference Votes

This screen provides the current count of first preference votes. The screen is progressively updated as results are received.
Note: The "Total Informal/Other Votes" figure includes ballot papers that are obviously informal and unclear ballot papers. All ballot papers will be re-checked for formality and sorted to their correct category in the Check Count.

Candidate Party/IND FP Votes % Formal Votes
GARTNER Kaye GRN 10,834 17.40%
WHITE Patricia SIG 29,054 46.65%
TRIBE Jemma IND 22,394 35.96%
Total Formal Votes Counted 62,282 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 4,573 6.84%
Progressive Total Votes 66,855

Mayor - Check Count First Preference Progressive Results - Shoalhaven

First Preference Votes by Candidate and by Venue/Vote Type
Last Updated On: 19/09/2024 13:21
Enrolment: 85,835
Venue/Vote Type GARTNER
Informal Total
Count Status
Polling Place
Berry Public Check Count Commenced
Bomaderry Public Check Count Commenced
Burrill Lake Hall Check Count Commenced
Callala Beach Hall Check Count Commenced
Callala Comm. Cntr Check Count Commenced
Cambewarra Public Check Count Commenced
Cudmirrah Hall Check Count Commenced
Culburra Public Check Count Commenced
Currarong Hall Check Count Commenced
Erowal Bay Hall Check Count Commenced
Falls Crk Public Check Count Commenced
Greenwell Pt Public Check Count Commenced
Huskisson Comm. Cntr Check Count Commenced
Illaroo Rd Public Check Count Commenced
Kangaroo Valley Hall Check Count Commenced
Kioloa-Bawley Pt Comm. Cntr Check Count Commenced
Lake Conjola Comm. Cntr Check Count Commenced
Milton Anglican Check Count Commenced
Milton-Ulladulla Baptist Check Count Commenced
Nowra E Public Check Count Commenced
Nowra Hill Public Check Count Commenced
Nowra Public Check Count Commenced
Nowra Wesley Cntr Check Count Commenced
Nth Nowra Public Check Count Commenced
Sanctuary Pt Public Check Count Commenced
Shoalhaven Heads Comm. Cntr Check Count Commenced
Shoalhaven High Check Count Commenced
St Georges Basin Comm. Cntr Check Count Commenced
St Georges Basin Public Check Count Commenced
Sussex Inlet Comm. Cntr Check Count Commenced
Terara Public Check Count Commenced
Tomerong Hall Check Count Commenced
Ulladulla Civic Cntr Check Count Commenced
Vincentia Public Check Count Commenced
Total Polling Place Votes 0 0 0 0 0 0
Shoalhaven RO Office Check Count Commenced
St Georges Basin Pre-Poll Check Count Commenced
Ulladulla Pre-Poll Check Count Commenced
Worrigee Pre-Poll 619 3,003 2,019 5,641 354 5,995 Check Count Complete
Declared Institution Check Count Commenced
Total Pre-poll Votes 619 3,003 2,019 5,641 354 5,995
Declaration Votes
Enrolment/Provisional Check Count Commenced
Postal 481 1,744 1,017 3,242 197 3,439 Check Count Commenced
Total Declaration Votes 481 1,744 1,017 3,242 197 3,439
Total Votes 1,100 4,747 3,036 8,883 551 9,434
% of Formal Votes 12.38% 53.44% 34.18% 100.00%
% of Total Votes 11.66% 50.32% 32.18% 94.16% 5.84% 100.00%
Note: Enrolment/Provisional includes Enrolment, NAMAV and TAV
Note: The "Total Informal/Other Votes" figure includes ballot papers that are obviously informal and unclear ballot papers. All ballot papers will be re-checked for formality and sorted to their correct category in the Check Count.

Vote Type / Venue GRN SIG IND Total Formal Total Informal/Other Progressive Total Votes Status
Polling Place
Berry Public 409 724 463 1,596 96 1,692 Initial Count
Bomaderry Public 369 733 735 1,837 167 2,004 Initial Count
Burrill Lake Hall 106 279 174 559 42 601 Initial Count
Callala Beach Hall 76 155 130 361 33 394 Initial Count
Callala Comm. Cntr 175 411 372 958 45 1,003 Initial Count
Cambewarra Public 147 278 424 849 52 901 Initial Count
Cudmirrah Hall 95 390 110 595 50 645 Initial Count
Culburra Public 226 569 365 1,160 89 1,249 Initial Count
Currarong Hall 55 117 70 242 13 255 Initial Count
Erowal Bay Hall 87 136 139 362 35 397 Initial Count
Falls Crk Public 41 128 98 267 20 287 Initial Count
Greenwell Pt Public 48 263 202 513 33 546 Initial Count
Huskisson Comm. Cntr 242 282 304 828 62 890 Initial Count
Illaroo Rd Public 225 502 542 1,269 117 1,386 Initial Count
Kangaroo Valley Hall 224 222 159 605 51 656 Initial Count
Kioloa-Bawley Pt Comm. Cntr 128 220 126 474 24 498 Initial Count
Lake Conjola Comm. Cntr 63 233 108 404 22 426 Initial Count
Milton Anglican 185 250 236 671 32 703 Initial Count
Milton-Ulladulla Baptist 175 240 291 706 49 755 Initial Count
Nowra E Public 138 314 272 724 60 784 Initial Count
Nowra Hill Public 44 140 100 284 23 307 Initial Count
Nowra Public 187 469 412 1,068 99 1,167 Initial Count
Nowra Wesley Cntr 338 545 547 1,430 127 1,557 Initial Count
Nth Nowra Public 93 318 230 641 64 705 Initial Count
Sanctuary Pt Public 225 628 513 1,366 162 1,528 Initial Count
Shoalhaven Heads Comm. Cntr 304 745 436 1,485 151 1,636 Initial Count
Shoalhaven High 204 515 562 1,281 121 1,402 Initial Count
St Georges Basin Comm. Cntr 200 623 528 1,351 134 1,485 Initial Count
St Georges Basin Public 73 149 234 456 47 503 Initial Count
Sussex Inlet Comm. Cntr 143 1,013 412 1,568 116 1,684 Initial Count
Terara Public 57 192 215 464 37 501 Initial Count
Tomerong Hall 165 287 275 727 43 770 Initial Count
Ulladulla Civic Cntr 369 743 822 1,934 224 2,158 Initial Count
Vincentia Public 364 390 547 1,301 82 1,383 Initial Count
Shoalhaven RO Office Pre-Poll 1,305 4,012 3,456 8,773 480 9,253 Initial Count
St Georges Basin Pre-Poll 845 2,582 1,753 5,180 385 5,565 Initial Count
Ulladulla Pre-Poll 1,531 4,382 2,934 8,847 631 9,478 Initial Count
Worrigee Pre-Poll 617 3,007 2,026 5,650 342 5,992 Initial Count
Declared Institution 70 130 56 256 14 270 Initial Count
Total Ordinary Votes 10,348 27,316 21,378 59,042 4,374 63,416
Declaration 0 0 0 0 0 0 Initial Count
Postal 486 1,738 1,016 3,240 199 3,439 Initial Count
Progressive Total Votes 10,834 29,054 22,394 62,282 4,573 66,855
% of Progressive Total Votes 17.40% 46.65% 35.96% 100% 6.84%
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 409 25.63%
WHITE Patricia SIG 724 45.36%
TRIBE Jemma IND 463 29.01%
Total Formal Votes 1,596 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 96 5.67%
Progressive Total Votes 1,692
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 369 20.09%
WHITE Patricia SIG 733 39.90%
TRIBE Jemma IND 735 40.01%
Total Formal Votes 1,837 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 167 8.33%
Progressive Total Votes 2,004
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 106 18.96%
WHITE Patricia SIG 279 49.91%
TRIBE Jemma IND 174 31.13%
Total Formal Votes 559 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 42 6.99%
Progressive Total Votes 601
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 76 21.05%
WHITE Patricia SIG 155 42.94%
TRIBE Jemma IND 130 36.01%
Total Formal Votes 361 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 33 8.38%
Progressive Total Votes 394
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 175 18.27%
WHITE Patricia SIG 411 42.90%
TRIBE Jemma IND 372 38.83%
Total Formal Votes 958 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 45 4.49%
Progressive Total Votes 1,003
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 147 17.31%
WHITE Patricia SIG 278 32.74%
TRIBE Jemma IND 424 49.94%
Total Formal Votes 849 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 52 5.77%
Progressive Total Votes 901
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 95 15.97%
WHITE Patricia SIG 390 65.55%
TRIBE Jemma IND 110 18.49%
Total Formal Votes 595 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 50 7.75%
Progressive Total Votes 645
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 226 19.48%
WHITE Patricia SIG 569 49.05%
TRIBE Jemma IND 365 31.47%
Total Formal Votes 1,160 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 89 7.13%
Progressive Total Votes 1,249
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 55 22.73%
WHITE Patricia SIG 117 48.35%
TRIBE Jemma IND 70 28.93%
Total Formal Votes 242 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 13 5.10%
Progressive Total Votes 255
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 87 24.03%
WHITE Patricia SIG 136 37.57%
TRIBE Jemma IND 139 38.40%
Total Formal Votes 362 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 35 8.82%
Progressive Total Votes 397
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 41 15.36%
WHITE Patricia SIG 128 47.94%
TRIBE Jemma IND 98 36.70%
Total Formal Votes 267 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 20 6.97%
Progressive Total Votes 287
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 48 9.36%
WHITE Patricia SIG 263 51.27%
TRIBE Jemma IND 202 39.38%
Total Formal Votes 513 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 33 6.04%
Progressive Total Votes 546
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 242 29.23%
WHITE Patricia SIG 282 34.06%
TRIBE Jemma IND 304 36.71%
Total Formal Votes 828 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 62 6.97%
Progressive Total Votes 890
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 225 17.73%
WHITE Patricia SIG 502 39.56%
TRIBE Jemma IND 542 42.71%
Total Formal Votes 1,269 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 117 8.44%
Progressive Total Votes 1,386
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 224 37.02%
WHITE Patricia SIG 222 36.69%
TRIBE Jemma IND 159 26.28%
Total Formal Votes 605 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 51 7.77%
Progressive Total Votes 656
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 128 27.00%
WHITE Patricia SIG 220 46.41%
TRIBE Jemma IND 126 26.58%
Total Formal Votes 474 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 24 4.82%
Progressive Total Votes 498
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 63 15.59%
WHITE Patricia SIG 233 57.67%
TRIBE Jemma IND 108 26.73%
Total Formal Votes 404 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 22 5.16%
Progressive Total Votes 426
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 185 27.57%
WHITE Patricia SIG 250 37.26%
TRIBE Jemma IND 236 35.17%
Total Formal Votes 671 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 32 4.55%
Progressive Total Votes 703
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 175 24.79%
WHITE Patricia SIG 240 33.99%
TRIBE Jemma IND 291 41.22%
Total Formal Votes 706 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 49 6.49%
Progressive Total Votes 755
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 138 19.06%
WHITE Patricia SIG 314 43.37%
TRIBE Jemma IND 272 37.57%
Total Formal Votes 724 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 60 7.65%
Progressive Total Votes 784
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 44 15.49%
WHITE Patricia SIG 140 49.30%
TRIBE Jemma IND 100 35.21%
Total Formal Votes 284 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 23 7.49%
Progressive Total Votes 307
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 187 17.51%
WHITE Patricia SIG 469 43.91%
TRIBE Jemma IND 412 38.58%
Total Formal Votes 1,068 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 99 8.48%
Progressive Total Votes 1,167
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 338 23.64%
WHITE Patricia SIG 545 38.11%
TRIBE Jemma IND 547 38.25%
Total Formal Votes 1,430 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 127 8.16%
Progressive Total Votes 1,557
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 93 14.51%
WHITE Patricia SIG 318 49.61%
TRIBE Jemma IND 230 35.88%
Total Formal Votes 641 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 64 9.08%
Progressive Total Votes 705
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 225 16.47%
WHITE Patricia SIG 628 45.97%
TRIBE Jemma IND 513 37.55%
Total Formal Votes 1,366 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 162 10.60%
Progressive Total Votes 1,528
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 304 20.47%
WHITE Patricia SIG 745 50.17%
TRIBE Jemma IND 436 29.36%
Total Formal Votes 1,485 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 151 9.23%
Progressive Total Votes 1,636
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 204 15.93%
WHITE Patricia SIG 515 40.20%
TRIBE Jemma IND 562 43.87%
Total Formal Votes 1,281 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 121 8.63%
Progressive Total Votes 1,402
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 200 14.80%
WHITE Patricia SIG 623 46.11%
TRIBE Jemma IND 528 39.08%
Total Formal Votes 1,351 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 134 9.02%
Progressive Total Votes 1,485
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 73 16.01%
WHITE Patricia SIG 149 32.68%
TRIBE Jemma IND 234 51.32%
Total Formal Votes 456 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 47 9.34%
Progressive Total Votes 503
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 143 9.12%
WHITE Patricia SIG 1,013 64.60%
TRIBE Jemma IND 412 26.28%
Total Formal Votes 1,568 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 116 6.89%
Progressive Total Votes 1,684
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 57 12.28%
WHITE Patricia SIG 192 41.38%
TRIBE Jemma IND 215 46.34%
Total Formal Votes 464 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 37 7.39%
Progressive Total Votes 501
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 165 22.70%
WHITE Patricia SIG 287 39.48%
TRIBE Jemma IND 275 37.83%
Total Formal Votes 727 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 43 5.58%
Progressive Total Votes 770
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 369 19.08%
WHITE Patricia SIG 743 38.42%
TRIBE Jemma IND 822 42.50%
Total Formal Votes 1,934 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 224 10.38%
Progressive Total Votes 2,158
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 364 27.98%
WHITE Patricia SIG 390 29.98%
TRIBE Jemma IND 547 42.04%
Total Formal Votes 1,301 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 82 5.93%
Progressive Total Votes 1,383
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 1,305 14.88%
WHITE Patricia SIG 4,012 45.73%
TRIBE Jemma IND 3,456 39.39%
Total Formal Votes 8,773 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 480 5.19%
Progressive Total Votes 9,253
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 845 16.31%
WHITE Patricia SIG 2,582 49.85%
TRIBE Jemma IND 1,753 33.84%
Total Formal Votes 5,180 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 385 6.92%
Progressive Total Votes 5,565
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 1,531 17.31%
WHITE Patricia SIG 4,382 49.53%
TRIBE Jemma IND 2,934 33.16%
Total Formal Votes 8,847 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 631 6.66%
Progressive Total Votes 9,478
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 617 10.92%
WHITE Patricia SIG 3,007 53.22%
TRIBE Jemma IND 2,026 35.86%
Total Formal Votes 5,650 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 342 5.71%
Progressive Total Votes 5,992
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
GARTNER Kaye GRN 70 27.34%
WHITE Patricia SIG 130 50.78%
TRIBE Jemma IND 56 21.88%
Total Formal Votes 256 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 14 5.19%
Progressive Total Votes 270

Declaration votes (Enrolment, Name Already Marked as Voted and Telephone Assisted Voting).

First Preference Votes / Declaration Votes / Declaration Progressive Count
Candidate Party/IND 1 2 Total
WHITE Patricia SIG 0 0
TRIBE Jemma IND 0 0
Total Formal Votes 0 0
Total Informal/Other Votes 0 0
Progressive Total Votes 0 0
First Preference Votes / Declaration Votes / Postal Progressive Count
Candidate Party/IND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Total
GARTNER Kaye GRN 0 136 97 63 40 52 0 50 48 486
WHITE Patricia SIG 0 394 456 236 141 208 0 120 183 1,738
TRIBE Jemma IND 0 261 240 134 91 83 0 95 112 1,016
Total Formal Votes 0 791 793 433 272 343 0 265 343 3,240
Total Informal/Other Votes 0 51 47 16 10 31 0 14 30 199
Progressive Total Votes 0 842 840 449 282 374 0 279 373 3,439
Last Updated: 17/09/2024 18:22